Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 Covid-19

Almost half of the patients who require invasive mechanical ventilation end up dying, but most of those who recover are those who were put on invasive ventilation early, said Du.

If too late then no point wasting one ventilator :scream:

But Du said drugs alone cannot save patients, especially those in severe condition.

Big implication!

“From what we known, infected pregnant women do not get into a serious situation with the coronavirus,” Du said. “With influenza, pregnancy is a high risk factor that can cause severe symptoms and lead to bad outcomes, but not this time.”

Children infected with the coronavirus also seem to experience only mild symptoms, said Du. He has not seen any child infections deteriorate to a state which requires intensive care.

Nature wants to purge those old, weak and sick, to make way for the new future. I think the virus is released by God.

Yes, I am well aware. H2O. Thank anyway.

What happened, I thought you are an atheist.

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Fatality rate should be between 13000/304622 to 13000/107793 = 4.27% to 12.06%
Guess you can work out why.

Their egos won’t allow them. The alternative is 
 you might be spare since when they refer to Asians they meant East Asians.

Is the China 80k case number legitimate, there’s a lot of doubt about that number when they have 56 per 1 million population only.

January 14, this was what Chinese govt. was telling WHO. Now, it’s everybody else’s fault.

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Media are mostly liberal so is as expected. He shouldn’t fall for it. Pence did very well. I watch their talks, VP Pence is businesslike and didn’t get suck in.


Coronavirus Could Very Well Slow by the Summer

PM Lee should turn off air conditioning in Singapore for a whole month and watch cases drop to zero. But maybe Singaporeans will overthrow the government first instead? :thinking:


No air conditioning in Nigeria.

You can’t post facts like that. It’s upsetting and doesn’t fit the narrative.


How many cases are imported versus community spread? All that matters is get R0 below 1.0. It will then get contained, at least for a while until the next wave.

Serial killer murders the whole town.
Bystander didn’t prosecute the serial killer.
Serial killer goes on to murder more people.
Bystander now goes after the serial killer.

Bystander is the wrong one here. Serial killer is the victim. Ho hum.

I am not trying to upset you. I notice you interpret statements very differently from me. So I will try to be sensitive and understand exactly what you are thinking. The statement said “no clear” evidence and is “preliminary“. It said what they knew at that point of time, they suspected there is and “preliminary” investigation indicates “no clear” evidence. The statement might not be valid after more investigations. Technically, the statement can be invalid immediately after issuing because the investigation is up to that point of time. Any new data found is not incorporated in that statement. Did I interpret wrongly? What is your interpretation?

@Roy321 @harriet Same questions. Did I interpret wrongly? What are your interpretations?

Dec. 10: Wei Guixian, one of the earliest known coronavirus patients, starts feeling ill.

Dec. 16: Patient admitted to Wuhan Central Hospital with infection in both lungs but resistant to anti-flu drugs. Staff later learned he worked at a wildlife market connected to the outbreak.

Dec. 27: Wuhan health officials are told that a new coronavirus is causing the illness.

Dec. 30:

  • Ai Fen, a top director at Wuhan Central Hospital, posts information on WeChat about the new virus. She was reprimanded for doing so and told not to spread information about it.
  • Wuhan doctor Li Wenliang also shares information on WeChat about the new SARS-like virus. He is called in for questioning shortly afterward.
  • Wuhan health commission notifies hospitals of a “pneumonia of unclear cause” and orders them to report any related information.

Dec. 31:

  • Wuhan health officials confirm 27 cases of illness and close a market they think is related to the virus’ spread.
  • China tells the World Health Organization’s China office about the cases of an unknown illness.

Jan. 1: Wuhan Public Security Bureau brings in for questioning eight doctors who had posted information about the illness on WeChat.

  • An official at the Hubei Provincial Health Commission orders labs, which had already determined that the novel virus was similar to SARS, to stop testing samples and to destroy existing samples.

Jan. 2: Chinese researchers map the new coronavirus’ complete genetic information. This information is not made public until Jan. 9.

Jan. 7: Xi Jinping becomes involved in the response.

Jan. 9: China announces it has mapped the coronavirus genome.

Jan. 11–17: Important prescheduled CCP meeting held in Wuhan. During that time, the Wuhan Health Commission insists there are no new cases.

Jan. 13: First coronavirus case reported in Thailand, the first known case outside China.

Jan. 14: WHO announces Chinese authorities have seen “no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel coronavirus.”

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Spy agencies like the CIA and FBI have outlived their utility in the current form. They need to be reoriented.

Chloroquine treats COVID-19 according to this link.
Does anyone have any word on the authenticity of this website?

Chinese researchers even published their findings on western medical journal on January 24th.

It’s clear where the blames lie. China was wrong in their early cover up. But everybody knew something extremely bad had happened by early January. To do nothing is our own fault.

You probably did. But since I use the word “probably”, that means I’m not sure, so you may interpret it as “probably not”. Get it?

@harriet What is your interpretation?

@marcus335 You posted the same things three times. I look through it again and don’t know what you want to say. Are you saying I interpret wrongly? What is your interpretation?