Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 Covid-19

Looks like a rattlesnake!

NY is in big trouble, it hasn’t peaked yet. In NY, 1 out of every 4 tests comes back positive. In WA, it is 1 out of every 15 tests.

NJ is about to see a hockey stick takeoff: so far, 9 out of every 10 tests come back positive. The shit is about to hit the fan.


Quite venomous - if you don’t look where you’re going and step on one :slight_smile:
They don’t chase after you.

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In some areas up to 30% still test positive for tuberculosis. Doesn’t mean they are sick with it; just means they have antibodies because a some point they were exposed.

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Quite a few companies are doing it. If you saw only $8M from Cisco is cash. Rest is product. My company is doing the same. We have been getting requests for donation so we are giving away a ton of product. It’s a chance for us to eliminate some excess product, while gaining goodwill and a tax deduction. So everyone wins


Yeah I noticed WA and CA went down a lot while testing remained high

WA and CA were also the first to lock down. Tech companies effectively locked down 2 weeks ago while Bay Area in general locked down a week ago. So hopefully the trend continues

That’s great to hear. More companies need to step it up.


That means NJ is in even worse shape. People who are not sick are not tested. The number of infected far exceeds the test-positive number.


These numbers mean nothing. What matters is the rate of fatalities.

If fatality rate means something, these number means something. Don’t you think?

The rate of fatalities will prove how lethal this virus is. If the rate of fatality is 0%, it does not matter if everyone is infected and tests positive. The expected rate is between 1-3%. We will see.

I don’t trust the testing numbers…NJ only reports tests at their state facility so actual tests are likely way higher. CA and NY testing numbers seem more accurate but could still be underreported by ~2x.

It is possible that the reporting isn’t consistent. However, by the number of tests per million of population, the number isn’t too far off.

As of March 22nd, CA had 12000 tests over a population of 40m, while NJ had 2200 of tests over a population of 9m. They are roughly within the same ratio.

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I found this website.
According to this for NJ
1,914 Positive
327 Negative
49 Pending
20 Death
2,290 Total

Death Rate 20/2290 = 0.0087 = 0.8%

NJ (9m pop) now has more cases than CA (40m pop). Don’t understand why NJ and NY were so slow to act.

Do I see green shoots in CA? :pray:

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From the site you posted:

Positive count includes deaths. Negatives + pending from State Lab only. Pending = PUI. State may be changing how it reports negatives: there was a drop in negative count on 3/16. There’s a new ArcGIS dashboard available on a new site ( but the testing data there is not as comprehensive as the table on

Hope we can hold. Death rate is starting to jump