Defeat Prop 10: Strict Rent Control, Housing Freeze, Economy Freeze and Frozen Tech

Simply, No on Prop 10.

No more no less. Just a No.

We need to let more people know that Prop 10 is bad. Too little time is left for academic discussions.

Regular homeowner Jane and Joe need to pay attention to Prop 10. But they might have no heard of it yet

Massachusetts has a ban on all forms of rent control. Washington has it too.

California’s Casta Hawkins is a very mild rent control limitation. It’s the minimum we need to have.

Housing policy at the city level is a disaster. We should have a statewide housing policy to prevent racists from using housing policy to decide who can live in a particular city.

Look at Santa Monica. It’s been using its rent control policy to exclude Hispanic, black and Asian population. Its 78% white population speaks too much of the racism of rent control.

Vote No on Prop 10 to combat White Supremacy, friends :joy:

Once white people occupy a city, they can implement extreme rent control to deprive the new immigrants of the opportunity to live in that city. Prop 10 is anti immigration by design.

Vote Yes on Prop 10 is to support White Supremacy, anti-immigration. Extremely immoral and unethical :rofl:

Rent control unfairly hurts low income tenants. African Americans are against Prop 10.

Prop 10 is racism and anti immigration.

All rent control should be banned like in Massachusetts

Uh, Yes on Prop 5 and No on Prop 10…

No On Prop 10.

Remember to vote. You can still register

Don’t worry, I am taking care of my wife’s and my mail-in ballot on Monday when I am off work again.

3 day weekend!

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Yeah, it has been another rough busy season for me. I survived the last few months, but barely. Now, I can relax a bit more now and plan my cruise excursions in December.

How are you doing? Just kicking back and hanging out here?

The main driver for Prop 10 is the Democratic Socliaists of America party. In addition to push for Prop 10, they also want to abolish profit, provide federal job guarantee. They may follow Marxism, but I am not sure since they did not publicly promote Marxism yet.

Last week I went to Berkeley. Saw many posters near campus about revolution and communism. They have many branches in California now.

If DSA will take over US, should we flee to Canada?

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DSA On Marxism

107 votes and 94 comments so far on Reddit


Karl Marx is personally responsible for the murder of over 100m people. He is more evil than Hitler

Now I understand. More than 2 years ago, one of my coworkers told us that he thinks that Karl Marx is a genius. I thought he was joking.

Omg, he was already a DSA member 2 years ago!!! He makes a good income and probably between 24-28. His income should be top 5% for his age group.

The DSA should be declared a terrorist organization

Marxism is a political speech. So it’s protected by the constitution, right? They have the right to promote Marxism.

This is why I think college enrollment should be cut by 75%. Only the top students can go to college to get professional training, all others should go to work in healthcare, senior care, retail and construction to do useful labor instead of being brainwashed by Marxism.

Marxism promises free shit to everyone. Who does not like free shit? It is natural to become Marxist, of course until your parents cut you off and you have to work and pay taxes.

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Abolition of capitalism is the goal of DSA. They want an economy run by workers or the state.

Bernie Sanders is officially a DSA memeber.

Here is a vox primer

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Who will paying those workers salaries?

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It’s going to be like Cuba and North Korea. State controlled economy and everyone gets paid by the government.

For all you Bernie supporters. Remember his roots. And why his kind is so dangerous.

The modern leftist insanity perpetuated in the U.S. today has its origins in the “Anti War” movement of the Vietnamese conflict. That tons of Eastern European military hardware could be shipped, for several years into Haiphong harbor without interference, defies all known modern military doctrine.

The war was also our first conflict where college enrollment precluded the obligation to meet the requirements for compulsive military service. The colleges became a haven for draft evaders (as did Canada).

In order to alleviate their consciences, the college students became eager to identify with the tenets of the anti war voices among the professors and administrators who were the eager to lead these middle class kids into the morass of leftist sophistry.

To reiterate, the irrational hatred expressed by our leftists for those pursuing independence for So. Vietnam, has survived and thrives in the anti-Trump hysteria of the present moment.