Everything Prefab

Prefab is the future. The distant future. But zoning is the problem not construction technology.

OMG, I have seen heaven!!! He said it, Mom, he said it!!!

comb the words. he said “distant future” :slight_smile:

Me take it!!! @Elt1 never ever gave me a crack of light when it came to prefab. God, maybe I go for two, @marcus335 agrees that military grade weapons belong in the hands of the military??? Right, @marcus335???

Oh yes!!! Instead of commandeering the two car garage from wifey when we move to San Bruno, these would be cool for my man cave!!!


It was a cable stayed bridge, installed without the cables or the the support tower. Not surprising it collapsed. They should have had an old school engineer like me on staff. Computer design, fast tracking and prefab mentality isolated this contractor from basic common sense.

To me, this still screams prefab…

Why do they advertise houses out in the woods. These locations are less than one percent of the market. It is like car commercials showing an empty road in the country. I call bullshit.

Nothing new. These shacks are next to Harvey’s


Geez, rent rates are higher than the casinos…

Casino rates advertised are usally mid week off season. But yeah those little shacks are pricey.
We get $450/n for a 3000sf 5/4 house that sleeps 20. For the cost of three little cottages that sleep 6

I say you test taste my wife’s cooking to confirm that a Malaysian restaurant is totally not only viable but a money machine in SLT and we are there…:slightly_smiling_face:

Sounds good. One of my tenants owns two Asian restaurants in town and I know the owner of three others. I can set up a meeting. There is even a hot pot restaurant now.

Damn, @Elt1, you are in Chinatown!!!

I actually know Samurai’s owner also. She is Mongolian, speaks Russian and her husband is the sushi chef. We know every Asian restaurant in town.
Can get you a good deal on the Cantina Restaurant.
Perfect venue for a new Malaysian restaurant. 6000sf
With full liquor license. Business ask pric $150k
Real Estate $1m . Parking for 50 cars

I would be totally down for this maybe in a few years, but wifey doesn’t have that business mind for it. She likes to cook and chit chat with folks on FB but that is about it. A good, authentic Malaysian restaurant is hard to find. My Big Bro is a fussy eater and he thought her curry over Thanksgiving was really good. He had seconds, thirds…