Forget Mission Impossible, I'M Waiting For Crazy, Rich Asians!

These things take time. As China becomes richer and richer there will be more Asian people in Hollywood movies. Money talks.

You can contrast the ads in china vs in Hong Kong. Most ads on HK subway have Asian people on it. But in China many have white people.

Because Chinese people are brainwashed into accepting western features as standard for beauty.

That’s western soft power at work. It’s not always this way and not always will be. I don’t get some of you guys’ obsession with blondes. I much prefer Asian women.

Many Asian women prefer white men, especially the blonde ones. Just ask @harriet :wink:

Goes to show you don’t really know me…but sadly I know a lot about you guys :cry:

You are the clever one. :wink:

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Ok you might be the exception to the norm… :laughing:

Aaah, baby steps, Grasshoppa, baby steps…

Dude… I didnt say anything. I quoted some asian parents words, which i thought was ironic as it was coming from an asian. :slight_smile:

Don’t you already know that we Asians are extremely self-conscious of our image due to discrimination and ridicule? Along with blacks, muslims, and gays, these are the 4 desperate groups that badly need salvation.

Every nationality has their thing.
Ilook ok, am white, but recently got somewhat discriminated by the neighbor after she noticed we are foreigners from the accent. She was disappointed, but to cover it up she mentioned how diverse we are in the neighborhood after mentioning the “asian” neighbor who was actually indian (indians are technically from asia continent, so there is that)

Too bad your accent doesn’t sound British… would have helped…

Clearly. Should start learning british. Like most europe countries, i learnt british english at school but hard to fix the accent.

Plenty of discrimination against white people, too. My mom grew up with a southern accent. Northerners used to think of southerners as dumb. She trained herself to speak with a very proper almost English accent. Plus she had a deep voice and asexual name. On the phone many thought she was a man. Very useful in the old days for business.

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If someone is talking diversity to a minority, 90% of the time, they are racists:p

At some point i was almost speaking like a bostonian, im glad it didnt last long.

Like a Southy?

I want to watch this one.

Love Disney :relaxed: