Gun Control

CNN is putting out some pathetic content. They invent new terms like “full semi automatic”. I feel like most of our news agencies should drop the facade and admit they are political activists.

Go ahead thinking citizens don’t have a need for guns and police will protect you.

He also could have done that with a handgun.

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Handguns have a far more limited range for remaining accurate. He’d need to get much closer to the situation which is higher risk.

And using essentially a machine gun via the “shotgun approach” won’t have any collateral deaths??? Again, who in their right mind uses an AR15 for hunting? Nobody!!!

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It’s semi auto. It only fires one bullet per trigger squeeze. You only need one shot if you’re good. The issue is when there’s 3 bad guys like the one article. Then you need semi auto and a clip that holds multiple rounds.

Some idiots do, and their NRA’s lackeys abound anywhere.

Oh…I see a little kitty cat!

Be afraid of people supporting, deflecting topics to their own line of thought, specially narcissist people. They are dangerous.

Some statistics to help in the debate:

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Hold a lot of gun related stocks, Mr. Austin???

Next time you see somebody getting into a hospital and murdering (aborting) fetuses by the 10s let me know.

Bravo!!! Now, that, is the makings of a world class city!!!

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We should raise voting age to 21 then.

Should be 25 :slight_smile: for voting. Study show most of us can’t make rational judgement before that.


Damn it, I have held the same WF checking account since high school. The tellers are usually impressed when they see that. Now what??? Well, maybe they will send me a AR15 for Christmas…

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Let’s arm teachers, but…they may shoot somebody by accident.

Oh, how about anybody carrying a gun into the school? :roll_eyes:

Good news!