Gun Control

They abound, they are really cute deflecting on the issue with another BS. :sweat_smile:

Again, when you play with fire you will eventually get burned. Simple as that.

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And my best example of all is take motorcycles. Even the best riders will drop their bikes eventually. Think about that. So putting live guns into the hands of babes really (the whole notion about arming teachers) is simply stupid.

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I think you may be right, Mr. Seattle, knives are a no-no…

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Knives kill more than the AR15 does (multiple times more). You’re way more likely to die from a texting teen than an AR15. Yet people don’t fear the texting teen or the knife.

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With bump stock, possibly 9 shots per second from an AR15 though… Someone using a knife might at most hurt or kill one or two before being overwhelmed. An AR15 with bump stock would be pretty much unstoppable. It would be a laser cutting through butter…

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These gun nuts losers still defending what is a lost cause?

I rather listen to real heroes, not mumbling jumbling deflecting gun hoes.

"I know I’ve been called Iron Man," Arreaza said, reading the boy’s statement. "And while I’m honored to be called this, I am not. I’m a 15-year-old who’s been shot five times, while Broward Sheriff’s deputies waited outside and decided that they weren’t going to come in the building."

It amazes me anyone from Guatemala can think gun control works given the facts.

Homcide rate of US: 4.88
Homicide rate of Guatemala: 31.21

Guess which country arrests anyone caught with a gun? Guatemala with a population of 16.6M and GDP per capita of $4,100 has an estimated 900,000 illegal guns. These are poor people that can barely afford to eat, and they are able to afford illegal guns. So explain how/why gun control laws would work in the US when people in the US have much higher incomes to purchase illegal guns?

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That’s the actual form to buy a gun and info is verified bs FBI database. Notice how almost everything gun control advocates say they want is on the form. Lying on the form is a felony.

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Can you please not use large/bold font, it really doesn’t make your argument any stronger, and makes me immediately skip it.

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I think he knows a little about copy writing :slight_smile: Guess doesn’t work in forum :slight_smile:

I like big print easy to read. But I don’t like long diatribes. The less said the better



Anyone remember Sean Simpson, the Parkland teacher who said he’d be willing to arm himself?
Well, according to the Miami Herald - he DID arm himself … and then he left the gun in a public bathroom, where it was picked up AND FIRED by a homeless guy.

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Well, remember the lady killed in SF?

An agent for the FBI, I believe, left that gun used to kill her in his car.

I am not against guns per say, but against gun proliferation and the existence of guns-weapons that only should be in the hands of the military.

I am also in support of an insurance for gun carriers.

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I doubt NRA banned them. That would be the decision of secret service.

That’s pretty amazing work for a 19 year old. The police union also voted no confidence in the county sheriff and asked the governor to remove him.

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“When the Vice President or President is on site that venue is no longer under NRA jurisdiction, it is under the control of the United States Secret Service. …

After the President and Vice President have left the venue NRA rules apply and people will be permitted to carry in accordance with local laws. To be clear the USSS rules are in effect until the President and Vice President leave the venue. This only applies to the exact venue where they will speak and inside that security perimeter. Other NRAAM events taking place in other areas at the same time are not subject to the USSS policy.”

@Roy321 It was a false narrative. Secret service banned guns due to the VP attending. After he leaves, guns are allowed in accordance with local law.

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