Harriet, Is This You?

Yeah… And I’d been dating a 23 year old fall semester–would you risk asking someone out after that? I sure wouldn’t. (But it would’ve been a good thing if he had! Older men are trouble!)

In this modern age, I am sure we can find out that information online. We got quite a few clues on our fearless leader to put it together. Intel, Minnesota, some sort of Engineering career previously, Realtor in California :male_detective:

Why go fishing for somebody’s personal info when he doesn’t want to tell you about it in the first place? Not worth the trouble…

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Nah, never said I would or we should. He shared those information to help us out with giving context on different discussions. Everyone loves mystery so I am just adding to it.

I think rather than fishing, let’s just let @manch tell us about it when the timing is right. He knows that we are all very curious… :slight_smile:

It’s not Bayview…I don’t care what you say!!!:grinning:

Why the 180 degree turnaround? You were coining the phrase “manch country” just a few days back…

Visitation Valley, Excelcior, Portola, north Bayview

Excuse my English but you old and pervert people listen to me.

I dealt with chicks like the ones above at the turn of the last century. They may be precious, beautiful, hot, whatever, but they are bad for your pockets. Don’t even ask me how I know. Well, $500 a week just on travels was my itinerary. I am broke. :rofl:

Using free public info, I’ve figured out exactly where he lived before just not quite sure about the new home unless I paid some $.

Do a title search on the old address, the mailing address could be the new address. It’s free but you need to visit the city office

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Maybe you should have used “sellinghouse” instead then, @buyinghouse:grinning:

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Damn it…how much!!! I can’t sleep at night…this is on my mind…every single minute of every single day!!! :grinning:

(yes, sfdragonboy is having a meltdown…)

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I never cost anyone anything. Always paid my way at dinner unless someone really insisted.

You just proved that you are not Asian :slight_smile: Most Asian chicks expect the guy to pay for everything…

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I am not talking about regular women in regular dating, the ones I met, not of the enduring relationship ones. Basically, I became a sugar daddy to 25 year old girls. That was on the time I was young and dumb


You know, in retrospect, this is clearly where I went wrong. If I’d made it clear that the guy had to always pay, then the guy would be used to the idea of paying after marriage too or breakup. But in paying my own way, I either set up the expectation that there was no need to pay for me or didn’t weed out the guys who thought they’d get me to pay after marriage too… while taking care of the kids full time too.

I will have to add that to the list of things I tell my daughter.

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So your husband expected you to split everything down 50/50 even while you are taking care of the kids full time?

As my wife would say, “What is a husband for?”

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