Harvard Doesn't Want Asians

Could be a scam. You need $10M to send a kid to Harvard. $1M seems to be too low.

No need to get overwhelmed or jaded. $1M should be plenty… :laughing:

Nah 1m sounds about right, no?

From that Chinese article I linked earlier. Google translate if you want:

奥巴马的女儿玛利亚•奥巴马被媒体广泛认为是通过“ Z-List”的方式得到哈佛大学录取的:一百万美金,你就能够跻身于哈佛大学资源委员会之中,买得一张席位。拥有席位的少量大额捐赠人,将有机会把后代子女或家人直接送入传说中的 Z-List,得到哈佛大学的本科录取。玛利亚•奥巴马入读哈佛大学的方式很特殊,在12月15日早申请发榜日时没有人知道她被哈佛大学录取的讯息,这个讯息是在5月1日才公布了出来。之后,玛利亚选择先进行一年的间隔年,之后再入读哈佛大学。这和进入 Z-List 得到录取的方式如出一辙:哈佛要求被Z-List 录取的学生在入学之前休息一年。

That Z-List really comes in handy :smile:

No need to try so hard. PM me with $1M, I would get your child to any college of your choice.

Asians like you are the reason why Harvard refused to accept Asians.

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If your kids get rejected by Harvard, you are part of the problem. You need to be really rich, but that’s not enough. You also need to be well connected and donate large amount of money through some secret channel.

If you have $10M, it’s going to be tough. If you have $100M, it just might happen.

“Now does $2.5 million certainly buy your way into Harvard? No way. Harvard would take pride in denying admission a student whose father pledged $2.5 million just so his son could get in. It’s about how you donate the money. It’s about the amount. It’s about who you are. It’s not as simple as some people may think. We can’t tell you how many parents ask us, “How much do I need to donate to Harvard to guarantee my child’s admission?” The answer is a resounding, “No amount of money will guarantee your child’s admission!” Were we emphatic enough? Now is there an amount that can help? Is there an approach that can help? Yes. And, yes, we help parents looking to donate to universities do it the right way — but even then there are no guarantees. None whatsoever“

Im betting on my mit degree, we will find out in some 18-20years, i guess.

Focus on making as much money as possible in the current secular bull market. If we are lucky there could be 5 to 8 years of good time left. Milk it like there’s no tomorrow. After that a long cold winter will set in.

Milk it!!! Milk it!!! :rofl:

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I think it’s better to have $100M and UC kids than Harvard kids but only $1M. It’s better for both parents and kids.

I guess that most Harvard grads never have $5M in their lifetime. We should forget about Harvard.

Or have a liberal judge to disband Harvard, redistribute Harvard endowments to all the public universities, redistribute Harvard professors to all the west coast colleges.

Reduce the endowment gap between colleges. Reduce the faulty gap. Make the colleges equal.

I truly believe that larger scale equality in high education can be achieved by redistributing Harvard resources to other colleges instead of small scale school level preference. The inequality between elite universities and other colleges is the source of the educational inequality. If all the colleges are of equal quality, poor kid can just go to a college in his hometown and receive the same education and the same previledge as going to expensive Boston and enrolling in Harvard.

No matter which race Harvard will admit, the mere existence of Harvard and its unfair advantage is the source for educational inequality. The students who qualifies for Harvard but got rejected would receive a totally unjustified worse education. Even an unqualified student also got unfair educational opportunity due to Harvard’s hoarding of top professors and harvard’s Hoarding of money and other resources.

All the extra effort in getting into elite colleges are total waste of human time and social resources.

Skip Harvard and make a great fortune, young man and young woman!

Harvard is overrated. My cousin graduated from Harvard and he’s a complete potato. If I were Manch’s daughter I’d take the two houses. No need to risk it for the admission - send me to SF State.


Potato from Harvard and tomato from MIT? Hmm… :thinking:

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Add some celery from Yale and you get Hong Kong style borscht soup.

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I mean this is like saying “united states is overrated, that one guy I met was an idiot.”.

As far as likable personality my cousin definitely does not have it, nor does his family have $10M to donate to Harvard.

Your cousin went to Harvard based on his own qualifications. Jared Kushner went to Harvard based on his dad’s success. However, Kushner is more successful than your cousin.

I guess daily influence from parents is more important than 4 years of college education.

It’s better to make yourself a good example than helping your kids getting into Harvard.

How do you know Kushner couldn’t get in based on his own merit?

From liberal media and his high school counselor.

Actually many highly successful people are successful due to family influences, not college education. For lower social economical families, college education is much more important