Hmm, What Is Apple Doing?

Manch what’s your average over 5 years?

I didn’t keep track. I was mostly into real estate until 2 years ago, around the time I put this forum together. :smile:

then wqj showed you the way :stuck_out_tongue:

Time for manch to organize a meetup where he would pay for our meals.
Our = tomato, Wu QiJun and me, since we advocate stocks over rental RE.

I will pay if you guys help me become billionaire. I am not greedy. Just 1B is enough.

He actually went the opposite way. Getting into RE from stock.

That’s a surefire way to kill any chance of meeting up: asking people to pay for your meals.

Wqj knows first hand :slight_smile:

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Made so much money but not willing to pay up a tiny amount?

Why would he have to?

Share the joy of making money.

You seem to be making more than I do.

rumor has it that your nw outthrumps everyone - do you pay meals for everyone? :slight_smile:

I will pay for manch and tomato in the meetup. Hanera can buy his own meal :rofl:

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Tagged it. Now you can’t go back on your word. When is the meetup?

You did that once for me, no need for another :slight_smile:

Don’t believe the web. I’m unemployable, so no income. I need help to pay for meals.

OMG. Horrible. I can’t believe you are a millionaire if I didn’t know you well… oh wait, I don’t know you well… :rofl:

Seriously? Soft rice is not enough and now you want quinoa?? Screamer-in-chief gave you a place to hang out during the day while you wait to be fed, and now you want another meal? Jesus Christ!

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Look like Harriet is disappointed that she is not invited to the meetup. I’ll pay for her meal for the meetup where Wu QiJun would be paying for manch.