How common are $350K salaries in the Bay Area?

Both or just not RE or you mean not FI?

Disobeying your breadwinner is a bad idea.

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Isnā€™t Yoda ex-Apple, and the source of his secret power? I donā€™t think heā€™s truly a kept man. Heā€™s the one that was running around on nude beaches somewhere.

Even kept people work to be kept. They are just working on their people pleasing skills. Harriet must be missing out if heā€™s really a kept man.

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Tomato was already piled onto for his foreclosure statement. No use jumping in. Tomato is looking very hard for holes in the matrix. Iā€™m not of the same mindset, but it seemed pointless to go back and forth. We could debate endlessly just like sports talk.

1479 - this was prior to the new build. It was a deal even on the open market. My memory may betray me, but I think it was scheduled for auction for a few years and it still never hit the steps of the courthouse. Oh to be Zuckā€™s neighbor. Maybe some of that charisma would have rubbed off on me.

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nah i donā€™t care much about foreclosures, i was just guessing things. itā€™s ok if i am wrong.

My understanding is that he is an Apple worshipper and owner, not ex-employee.

Absolutely not. 200% positive.


Too picky. Not only @hanera but also @BAJacket is hers if she wanted itā€¦ :rofl:

wuqijun is also available :rofl:

House hoarders on here probably hoard women the same way. Not sharing their beauties with the rest of the world.

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Ahem. Polygamy is illegal guys! Letā€™s focus back on those 350K SWEā€¦

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Agreed. People are so lewd!!! Focus on real estate please! :rofl:

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Brotopia? Isnā€™t that why they make 350k+.

it refers to?


Looking at you @sfdragonboy :nerd_face:

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There are qualified non-bro making more than that. No need to ride bro-culture in SV.


Broā€¦are you serious?

Taxes on 350K are probably $100K+, and you still have to pay rent/eat. Whatā€™s your FIRE amount?

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I think rather than talking about salary, you should talk about net worth instead when consider retirement. In the Bay Area, you can FIRE if your net worth is $5M or up. However, in order to sustain it, your wealth need to be kept in appreciable assets and canā€™t just be money in the bank.

$5M at 80s or 20s? :rofl: