Jobs, Jobs, Jobs

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Wage spiral! Hyperinflation coming :smiling_face_with_tear:

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Crypto winter :snowflake:

Blind is full of folks whose Coinbase offers were rescinded, many who’d already quit their previous jobs.
Very big reputation hit for Coinbase.

This would slowdown the wage increases which are a major driver of inflation. That said, WTF is going on with people? They retire and less than 2 years later are financially insecure enough that they need to go back to work? I guess people making irrational and emotional decisions shouldn’t surprise me anymore.

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People are so bad at personal finance. It’s truly a crisis.

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People’s financial crisis is our financial opportunity :moneybag:

I get annoyed when those people want to increase income taxes on higher income people though. I shouldn’t be forced to pay more, because they are irrational and emotional.

This group has the same thought as those who want their student loan cancelled. Society should pay for their incompetency.

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It’s because they believe success if predominately determined by luck. The only reason they are failures is bad luck, so the lucky people should compensate them. You can literally divide people into political ideology with the question: “Is success primarily determine by luck or hard work?” It is the most accurate indicator.


Anyone living in America and especially the BA has already won the lottery. That means all you have to do is work for the rest. Those that sit do nothing and blame others are still better off than 90% of the world. Those that work harder owe them nothing.

Job market might be strong (for now) but scheduling suck for many industries!

My cousin works at Starbucks. One week he gets 32 hours, another 24, and sometimes 20. He has Different days off almost every week. If you have another job , schooling, or family obligations , the constant changing schedule makes it hard to plan.

Yes, he Should be more firm with his supervisors and demand certain amount of hours and days he will work but companies can easily do better and try not do this practice as much…

I had the same issue when I worked at Whole Foods. I was like nope! They wanted me more than I needed them so eventually I got the hours I wanted.

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That’s actually an interesting idea. I wonder how things would work if employees could decide to fire an executive.

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