Jobs, Jobs, Jobs

More Companies Start to Rescind Job Offers

The labor market remains hot. Yet businesses in a range of industries are pulling back job offers to recruits they were courting just a short time ago

Will this slow down job hopping?

Adding some perspective for union jobs. After hiring freeze for pandemic we finally took on 3 new hires and waiting to fill 2 supervisor positions. We constantly maintain shortage of manning and overtime is always available, sometimes mandatory hold overtime. Union only able to negotiate around 12% pay increase over 2 years, so 6% per year. Still at a loss if inflation it reported 8+ (really in double digits)

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What kind of work do you do?


Dont want to give too much identifying information, but its related to safety and security.

Oh, ok. All good.

Share as much or as little as you like!

Im probably just being paranoid but I dont want to get caught slippin haha. If you go through a persons comment history you can piece together alot of information about someone, good to keep in mind since alot of people talk about finances here

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Geez, paywall…

Anything really enlightening from this article? I mean, isn’t it simply that children of immigrants are driven harder by their parents to succeed in this land of milk and honey?

What would be more interesting would be if a study looked at the difference between children of immigrants, so 1st generation born here, vs say 2nd or 3rd generations (Americanized) to see if they “slack off” to the norm with everyone else…

Thank you!!!

Sorry, me still using snail mail and bank branches for money transactions… LOL

“Being out at work is stressful for many LGBTQ+ professionals, according to a recent report from LinkedIn that says 47% of out LGBTQ+ professionals feel like they are coming out on a regular basis in the office.”

Seriously, what in the actual #)%(&#)&$%? Why do they have to constantly come out at work? Are they busy telling people who they were banging last night? I’m honestly not sure how sexual preference is even a topic for work. Most people nowadays just say “my partner” as a generic term. I don’t see how who people share their bed with needs to be discussed at work.

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So a straight colleague can’t share he/she had a baby with teammates because it’s the product of banging and inappropriate in workplace?

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That’s bad news for inflation. It’s good news for people who want hybrid or remote working perks.

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