Rich SF residents get a shock: Someone bought their street

Ha! These guys would all make more money if it was turned into a reality TV show. But maybe they can write a book and get movie rights.

Agreed. Itā€™s well written. :slight_smile: Theyā€™ve pulled the race and class cards. Who wonā€™t root for them, the underdogs, now? Very SF.

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Uh, contributing a red cent @Terri???

(cue sounds of crickets trackā€¦)

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Sure. Iā€™ve been told pennies arenā€™t worth anything anyways. They can have my pennies.


If everyone decided to donate a penny to them, they would be $300 million richer. Donā€™t do it!!!

The are shameless opportunistic and classlessā€¦ they have been using the media since day one. If they had silently negotiated in the beginning with a smart lawyer they would have doubled their moneyā€¦ now they will just make their lawyer a few bucks

Maybe you can sell them your Discovery Bay propertyā€¦ tell them there is a private street on there somewhereā€¦

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I sold it on a contract of sale. Just home the buyers are not media whores like this coupleā€¦

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Isnā€™t it just $3M?

And really itā€™s their lawyer getting rich.

Maybe I should go to law schoolā€¦

Oh yesā€¦ I was thinking if everyone had donated a dollarā€¦ :smile:

I once considered law school too in one of my darkest moments. Even went thru the trouble of taking the LSAT. Glad I didnā€™t follow thru.

Read somewhere law schools have lots of trouble getting students. The AI wave is going to put a lot of junior lawyers out of work. Unlike medical doctors where nobody cares where you went to school, for lawyers unless you graduated from one of the top 10 donā€™t even bother.

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The precedent is SCARY. The people follow the law to buy a piece of land. The board of supervisors decided to void the sale. I donā€™t get how/why the board of supervisors would even have the power to do that. When taxes arenā€™t owed, the land goes back to the county. The county sold it in accordance with its process for recovering back taxes. How can the board of supervisors void a sale by the county treasury?

Imagine how this works. You buy a home in SF today for $1M. The value double in the next 5 years, and itā€™s worth $2M. The person that sold it to you comes back and says only getting $1M for the house is unfair. They demand the sale be undone. They win a board of supervisors vote and boom. You donā€™t own your house anymore.

Next thing you know the board of supervisors will decide paying a landlord 30 years of rent and owning nothing is unfair. Theyā€™ll order the landlord to give the property to the tenant. Property rights mean nothing to these people.


Itā€™s because this case garnered too much publicity. So itā€™s not a normal case anymore. So you canā€™t really compare it to normal situations. Normally, the couple should be able to retain it. But itā€™s being special cased due to the publicity.

However, Iā€™m sure the couple will profit from this one way or another. Not all is lost for them.

Publicity doesnā€™t change the law. I think theyā€™ll eventually prevail if they keep fighting it. Thereā€™s no way the board can vote to make a sale not valid.

The couple messed with the wrong people. If it were some random poor black peopleā€™s properties the board would do nothing. But they were buddies of Feinstein so somehow itā€™s special.

Rich people get 2nd and 3rd and 4th chances. Thatā€™s how it works. Just makes me want to be rich that much more.


You wonā€™t have the connections of old money people. Theyā€™ll still crush you. Itā€™s insane how that network works. Itā€™s more prominent on the east coast.

Come on, Dianne!!!

Thatā€™s insane. If you nullify the sale, then you have to return the money. I think this just goes to show the board has ZERO authority to overturn a sale by the county tax office. Thereā€™s no way this holds up on appeal.

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