So, Was Helsinki Really That Bad?

Are you saying that Prop 10 will not pass? Or something else? Santa Cruz rent control is different in that you can still raise rent when tenant vacates, but Prop 10 is a different beast.

It will hurt future tenants. Existing tenants may find it very hard to move around so they’ll stay at your property for a very long time. How do landlords benefit?

I’m not aware of any SALT workaround yet

“passes away” or their children will keep on living.

Oh I assumed the best case of childless tenant :rofl:

If they have children, the “passes away” may turn into “passes on” :crying_cat_face:

There was a story in this forum about someone having their children over for 2 weeks, which ended up establishing residency…

Found it:

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On tariff trump base, let’s see are they really going to hurt , china not buy from US, buy from other country. Other country buy from US , resell to china for higher than directly buying from US with tariff.
Trade war, no one knows the result until the end. currently still in the negotiation stage.
you can google translate these






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California Democratic Party has invalidated the concept of contract. They have made lease term meaningless.

Under rent control and its related just cause eviction law, the rental lease has become a never ending contract.

Many rent controlled tenants have become millionaires in India.

Mea Kadwani, 78, has lived in the same apartment in the Mukund Mansion in Mumbai since he was a toddler. Thanks to rent control laws, he paid less than $20 a month for decades, and $23 a month recently, for a 2,600-square-foot space in the upscale Nepean Sea Road neighborhood, where rents typically top $2,000 a month. Now he’s moving on: After three years of negotiations, he and his wife pocketed $2.5 million from Orbit, a real estate developer planning to turn the building into a garage for residents of its 29-story Villa Orb tower under construction next door.”

Strict rent control will cause severe shortage of rental housing. Landlords will take theirs property and leave the rental market whenever the first opportunity comes. Rent might be $20 a month for a Mumbai family, but it’s simply not available.

I think it’s unconstitutional to ban the landlords from demolition of their buildings. Once Supreme Court makes ruling that city can not punish landlord by forbidding demolition and rebuilding, many buildings with dirt cheap rent will be vacated, demolished and rebuilt into condos. Rental housing will disappear. Future workers will not be able to come here to work unless the employer provides housing, which is unthinkable because the employer provided rental housing could be under rent control as well.

“Next to bombing,” Swedish economist Assar Lindbeck wrote in 1971, “rent control seems in many cases to be the most efficient technique so far known for destroying cities.”

“The city’s private wealth is a hefty $950 billion. But according to last year’s Mercer Quality of Living index, it also ranks a poor 154th among global cities when it comes to quality of life. There are several reasons for this: poor infrastructure, deficient urban planning, inadequate public transport systems. One of the most important, however, feeding into many of the other problems, is the lack of affordable and accessible rental housing in the city.”

If Prop 10 passes nobody will build anything. Why build something that will in effect become a state owned utility that will eventually be owned by tenants.
Prop 10 is theft. The largest theft in the history of the United States. It makes the state a Mafia organization.
It is a declaration of war on hard working property owners by the lazy, the non workers, illegals and everyone else who won’t pull their own weight. A fairer system is an expanded Section 8 program.
Prop 10 if passed is the worst thing that has ever happened to California

Which is why I believe if too draconian laws get passed our court system will hopefully step in and right the ship.

It will create a civil war. The hatred between tenants and landlords will cause civil unrest, urban blight and an end to the California dream.

The only good thing for homeowners is there will be millions out of work. You will finally be able to get cheap labor to paint or reroof.

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Thought is Trump, how come become Democrats. Nowadays, contracts don’t mean anything. So long you’re stronger and meaner, you can change the terms at will. In fact, why bother with contract, whatever you say is the contract.

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Is incredible that a nation well known for fair competition and belief in free market & individual rights has rent control. Rent control is a government intervention distorting the market forces. Should employ a market force mechanism such as increase land, improve transportation infrastructure, more housing zone, etc… basically supply and demand mechanism to influence pricing.

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Obama picked union workers over bond holders. All investors were thrown to the wolves Democrats lost all moral ground. Now they want to attack homeowners and landlords.
This is Ukraine in the 1930s when Stalin stole the farms from the owners and killed 20 millions. My wife’s grandmother lost her farm and became destitute.

When the government picks winners and losers, we all lose.

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Has already been developing for years (may be decades). This is another form of haves vs have-nots. In fact, some experts think the third world war is many nations would have civil wars of haves vs have-nots, and not between nations. May be Trump is trying to distract the Americans from this by seeking trouble with China and other allies, the usual technique a government used when have big domestic issue is to pick fight with another nation to galvanize its own people.


My grandfather stood by and watched Berkeley steal millions in property value from him. I will not stand by.
The state can not given away to people who are too lazy to work, invest and put their heart and soul into their property. Rent control is an affront to all that makes America great.

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I mailed a check to this organization this week. Early donations can make more impact, also will also increase people’s confidence level.

I’m scared by the silence over Prop 10. 95% of the people don’t even know it.

Another website to oppose Prop 10 seems to be hacked, maybe by tenant activists.

I am very convinced that RC will pass in Santa Cruz. I am not sure about prop 10. I thought that the suffering outside a few concentrated areas is not high enough to motivate voters. Now the Democratic Party has endorsed prop 10. I give it a 50% chance.

I agree, and for landlords it will be another expense to finance and deal with the rent board, but I think with these difficulties will come opportunity, to buy properties from landlords who fail to deal with these new challenges.

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