SPWR on fire
4 dead after US Capitol breached by pro-Trump mob during 'failed insurrection'
Four people are dead following Wednesday's violent protests at the U.S. Capitol.
SPWR on fire
Are you looking at trading volumes + associated price increases to get this data+inference? Which names in particular currently?
$2k checks coming, something both Trump and Dems agree is good policy.
I look at sector performance and also have a scan of stocks hitting 13 week highs. Materials are up 4.75% and industrials are up 3.2%. Those are huge moves for sectors in a single day.
Massive fiscal stimulus and a huge infrastructure bill deficit will be compensated by 7 % increase in corporate tax. Market keep going up with stimulus talks and later drop to the extend corporate profits are dropped.
Revoking or Rolling back corporate tax is not good for the country, but Dems won’t understand (as they do not care about it).
Corporate will go back to their own style of moving cash to tax haven overseas.
CAT and DE are standard plays.
…Illinois Tool, Nucor steel - all on fire.
The 7% won’t be anywhere near enough to cover it. It would increase revenue by $190B a year. It’s typical government solutions of increase tax revenue by $0.25 then increase spending by $1.00.
Any bills passed will have an insane amount of pork spending, since the majority is so narrow and the party isn’t that closely aligned. They’ll have to keep adding stuff to each bill to buy votes to get it passed. That’ll blow up the deficit even more. Just look at all the pork spending in the recent stimulus bills or what was in the Obamacare bill. They headline the stimulus checks and unemployment boost as the main things in the stimulus. They’re actually a shockingly small percent of the spending in the bill.
Very likely, tomorrow we will see market red here and there. I still do not know what happens on Friday, but tomorrow market is in struggle.
Until Biden is sworn in the market is in peril. Markets hate uncertainty… especially blood in the streets.
True, markets can (I do not know) go down straight Thursday, Friday and Monday too.
Markets didn’t care about the much deadlier and more widespread riots in the summer and into the fall. Why should they care about this?
Those happened was at streets, malls, but this one is destabilizing Symbol of Democracy, Capitol Hill and it is almost like Coup on head of the Country. This may destabilize country law making system, creating uncertainties over budget, plan…etc.
Yawn. They still certified the election today, so in the end it was a delay of a few hours.
…and as usual the media is lying about the whole thing. There are pictures and commentary all around the net which were done live as it was happening. This was one of the most good-natured protests we’ve had in ages.
Seriously, one of my liberal friends was freaking out about it, so I went to the live video on CNN. All they could show was a bunch of people walking around with flags.
But even liberals by stocks.
All they could show was a bunch of people walking around with flags.
So peaceful that one person is dead.
Four people are dead following Wednesday's violent protests at the U.S. Capitol.