Twitter Bombed. Anyone Buying?

Twitter is run on H1B slave labor now.

Wonder if there is any random code review scheduled this weekend.


Wanted to check if thereā€™s any truth in h1b theory, thatā€™s why asked @Boolean :slight_smile:

Hereā€™s more reason why Musk is a villian.

Twitter Contributions by political party


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Free speech savior!


Everybody have their own yardsticks for free speech :grinning:

Ideally free speech should exclude irresponsible remarks but who is the judge?

Why cannot free speech mean true free speech. You are allowed to say anything. After all these are just words. If someone takes an action based on these words which is illegal then they will be punished accordingly. People need to be smart to judge and before they act.


Humans are emotional, tend to act without DD on facts and consideration of the possible consequences.

A good influencer understands this and is able to use pathos to persuade people to act mindlessly.

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People will learn over time to be smart else they will suffer or not survive. Thatā€™s the beauty of human brain, well even animals learn what would harm them and what not. And they adapt.

Else this will be a never ending debate. Perhaps a society can allow absolute free speech and see how it plays out. I bet it will work out better than any other constrained system. Two centuries ago free speech was even more constrained. Even today many societies have it very constrained and itā€™s clearly not working very well for them. I bet absolute free speech will end up better than anything else. In the end withholding free speech is all about holding on to power by the government, authorities, elites, powerful. It has always been the primary reason historically.

How can you except people to be that smart. After all you accuse everyone on this forum of being stupid. Free speech is not free. Our ancestors paid for it with blood and treasure. Plus spreading gossip rumors and hate speech is dangerous by itself. Trump caused the Jan 6 riots and deaths with lies about the election.
If you want uncontrolled free speech go to Otherwise free speech needs to be moderated with civility and self control. Now the internet is just a cesspool of misinformation lies bigotry hatred and stupidityā€¦ all reinforced by the echo chamber effect.the modern version of calling fire in a theater


Absolute Free and open was the reason Internet became what it is today. You are able to chat because of that.

First amendment only restricts the government. Even there there are limits. Classic example is you canā€™t yell fire in a crowded theater just for fun. Or you canā€™t libel someone.

Twitter, Facebook and even this tiny forum we have here are private entities free to make their own rules. Just like you are free to make your own rules in your house.


So now the man-child billionaire is going to sue the college kid who dares to post publicly available information on his private jet.

The kid didnā€™t post any info on Elonā€™s car. Not sure how this is related at all.

The unraveling continues apace.


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:joy: poor baby (EM) ā€¦isnā€™t it a public info?

itā€™s condemnable act, though

Content moderation is super hard, as Elon is finding out in real time. His claim to be ā€œfree speech absolutistā€ has proven to be complete BS. He even specifically cited this ElonJet account as an example of his absolutist approach. Didnā€™t last a month.

Doxxing is a pretty tricky case. If we draw the line saying all doxxing is bad and thus should be banned, at least all the info comes from public domain. The college kid just pulled information from the FAA. Everybody can do it. I am sympathetic to it being bad, but any rules need to be applied even handedly. In contrast Elon himself published private communication within Twitter itself in his infamous Twitter Files, and that caused his own employees receiving death threats and one poor guy has gone on hiding. That is private information. Should Elon ban himself?

Elon also made some half baked rule saying real time location of people canā€™t be posted on Twitter. OKā€¦ what about those rightwing nut jobs posting the exact location and schedule of drag shows, explicitly to encourage other nut jobs to harass those people? Seems to be fine for Elon.


The Internet and the TMI generation has created a nightmare where there is no free speech . In fact the Free Speech movement started by Mario Savio in Berkeley in 1964 is the grandfather of the total lack of free speech on campuses today. Between the radical leftists and the PC police free speech is being attacked everywhere. Book banning is back. You really canā€™t say anything anymore without worrying about pronouns racism or anything that might offend youth that has been coddled by helicopter parents. We now have two generations walking around offended by just about everyone and every thing. No free speech left. I basically can only text my tenants. Talking to them is too confrontational. Truth is too difficult and reality doesnā€™t even exist anymore. Especially for people raised to believe all the horseshit thruston them by radical left teachers, liberal universities, the news media, Hollywood, environmental Nazis and the global warming fanatics. We now live in a fantasy world where we have to believe silly men in dresses are actually women and that pregnant women are actually just people that carry a baby. The worst part is governments are trying to force on us the consequences of all this, with ridiculous legislation and rules to live by that make no sense.

ā€œFree speech absolutistā€.


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