We Are in Bear Market

December is not yet over. :rofl:

True. But only 5 trading days left. Are you saying we will have a Christmas miracle?

I will be happy if we don’t have a Christmas massacre. :scream:

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No one was giving trump credit when it skyrocketed from 18K to 26K. At that time it was all fundamentals.

Now its all Trumps fault.


Not sure if the “fundamentals” are shutting down government or waging a global trade war. But sure, fundamentals.

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Did the shutdown happened under Obama’s leadership. Or previous presidents. Must be unique to current government.

Global trade war? If we take actions again predatory and one side trade mechanisms its labeled as trade war.

You should worry about China.


Agreed, its all Trump’s fault. (tongue in cheek) Exploding Deficit, Reduced Global Trade, etc. :grin:

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Yes, I worry about China as well. By the same token you should worry about America too.

This is not a football game. More than one side can win. And now we are all losing.

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Exploding deficit was going to happen no matter what. Our mandatory spending will see to it.

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That makes no arithmetic logic. Why not go to the extreme and has zero tax revenue?

OK, agreed there. We were going to have an increasing deficit. Trump though, he made it an exploding deficit though…

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I agree neither side win or both side losing.

IMO, none under our control, but our safety is in our control, that is what we need to focus.

Safety from what? Chinese toys?

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I dont think China thinks so. And you very well know that. But you keep talking about like US can enforce this model behavior unilaterally. We have tried our best and given China a very long run with its malpractices. It has just embolden China more. To the point that they think that US has already accepted China’s rise through these practices as fate accompli and is just waiting for China to take over. 100+ IQ, China’s century are all manifestations of this arrogance. Now when we asking tough questions, China is talking to us about higher moral standards? Its hilarious.

US has helped multiple allies to first world status so dont try to teach us the “bilateral growth” theory here. Think of Japan, South Korea and post war Europe. Name me one country that China has helped to come up to a better level.

“The old way didn’t work so this new way must be great”.

It seems your beef is mostly with China’s attitude.

I largely agree with sentiments of your view. But I hope people can find a way to take emotion out of the issue. For two decades I’ve worked at companies that had to compete against Huawei, so I’ve seen some of this first hand. The latest issue of Economist has a fascinating article on this, which I will attempt to summarize here:

  • Traditionally, engagement of China by the west has taken the form of two camps

  • Camp 1 - Engagement - based on the premise that engagement will open up Chinese society to a more democratic model, and that with engagement, we get win-win.

  • Camp 2 - Aggressive Containment - this camp is the opposite of engagement - this camp sees the world in a win-lose context.

The article states that Camp 1 is what the west has largely tried to do since the 1970s. But the problem is that while Enagement worked initially, now it seems that progress to a more democratic model has stalled and with Xi, China itself has adopted a more cynical posture and now it sees itself in a win-lose dynamic.

So the danger now for everyone is not that Camp 2 is getting stronger. The danger is that those that used to be in Camp 1 have now given up. By alienating its supporters in Camp 1, China is making life more difficult for itself and everyone else. And, from the American perspective, Trump is all too happy to stoke the fires of Camp 2 - which just adds fuel to the fire.

It is similar to the “Tragedy of the Commons”


Engagement works for the ordinary Chinese people. Most of them have favorable views of America. Xi is taking China backward. I have never concealed my disapproval of him. What America risks now is alienating ordinary Chinese citizens. That goes back to the soft power topic. Some say it doesn’t matter. I am in the camp that goodwill matters a great deal in the long run.

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Chinese people like Americans only if they are rich. They don’t like poor Americans.

Americans despise Chinese regardless of their financial status.

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We have seen some goodwill that Chinese has for US firsthand here. Who are you kidding?

I love this argument though. Do it for goodwill of Chinese people while Chinese government screws you. So China win both ways. Looks like making both side winning is only for US to do. No such requirements exists for Chinese people or Chinese government.

Assume 2019-2020 is a recessionary year. Run for safety. Secure our money, business income and life. When recession comes, every one will get hurt whether wealthy or poor.

This is like economical storm.

Jobless will happen across economy, business orders will reduce across economy, banks won’t give loans as they may not find under-writers, IPOs will end up with miserable loss/failure etc.

The stronger person survives, weaker person fails to withstand the pressure. Save, Save, and Save in cash position.

Either real estate or stocks, we need to have sufficient cash position to buy at dip (nice dividend providers or Positive cash flow rentals) and reap the benefit for life.

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Wheels are flying off the clown car. Add “political risks” to the market headwind column.