What other income stream other than RealEstate & Stock?

Yes for sure! :smile:

I’m not part of the secret police who cares…

鏗?? Or 銘?

I guess @harriet isn’t clever enough to get the hint… :rofl:

Okay now I know. Thanks! :joy:


I thought Yoda already deleted whatever you asked him to delete but yes thanks for the hint :joy:

:scream: :scream:

99% garbage now. :scream:

How much do they make net profit ?


Yup. Maybe 250.

Did you check the p/e for other laundromats?

May have in the past. Don’t remember no more.


4x seem common.

If 4x is common that means laundromats are good business. Better than most brick and mortars, better than even some online business.

If i were to own a laundromat, i would certainly research mobile-payments for it. hate coin op :confused:

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Forget about all that, this is the real deal:


Or this:


man… what am i doing on this site, instead of finding myself another side project…